While the Moon will leave your sector of adventure, travel, learning and discovery on Monday, in the early hours of the week there is a chance to capture the essence of the planets that are powering up the playful, creative and adventurous side of life's fence before they leave. The Moon will leave just as Mars moves into his final seven days in a playful and creative part of your chart and just as Mercury moves into his last full week in your sector of adventure, travel, learning and discovery, before leaving next Wednesday. Knowing that this will leave both empty, as the adventurous lunar vibes run their course on Monday and before the holiday period ends, this is something that needs to be captured and embraced. It is then that the Moon will not only join the Sun in your career sector but to begin the lead up to a New Moon that on New Year's Eve will offer a chance to draw a new line in the sand, both professionally and when it comes to your personal goals and ambitions.
On both the romantic and relationship fronts there is change in the air. While 2024 will end with Mars still in your romantic sector, where he has been for nearly two months and the South Node in your relationship sector, where it has been since July 2023, this is about to change. When Mars retrogrades back out of your romantic sector next Monday, apart from the Moon's monthly visits, it will remain empty until he returns for a do over in April. With Jupiter returning in June to begin your luckiest year for love and matters of the heart in over a decade, while Mars is spending this week holding the doors open to the past, he is also helping you prepare for the future. Meanwhile, after 18 months policing a balance between your own and your relationship needs the lunar nodes, the North Node in Aries and the South Node in your relationship sector, are getting ready to leave at the end of next week.