Sagittarius Daily Forecast
Saturday 27 July 2024
A certain feline got into a nasty situation because of curiosity. So, try to dial back an enhanced intense desire to dig, probe, research or interrogate. The Moon and Pluto stir the pot, and digging might unearth a landmine. Keep your advice holstered unless explicitly asked for. Step back and channel your energy into what inspires and excites you in your world.
While things are still evolving professionally and with Mercury in his first full day in your career sector new doors are starting to open on the career front, there is a heavy focus on the playful, creative and adventurous side of life's fence today. The Moon's return to your work sector tomorrow, a week after Mars left is going to put a lot of focus on the income, work and career fronts while giving you a jump on the new working week before it begins. Until then the Sun and Moon and their different support teams are heavily favouring the playful, creative and adventurous side of life's fence.
The Moon's only visit to your romantic sector while Venus, the planet of love is in an adventurous part of your chart was always going to bring the spirit of romance and adventure together. However, it is just as their friendly aspect peaks that Chiron's retrograde turn in your romantic sector not only opens the doors to the past and an opportunity for healing but will amplify a sense of romantic nostalgia that has been building all week.
You could be at risk of overthinking like it's an Olympic sport. Planning the perfect thing to say to a lover or partner will only trip you up. Forget the filter and let words emerge as they choose. Someone will appreciate your raw authenticity. Sure, you might stumble over your words at first, but trust that your genuine vibe is what they'll fall for.
Six days after Mars left your work sector and with the Moon not returning until tomorrow with a chance to check in and regroup, Mercury's first full day in your career sector has brought a shift in the dynamics of this professional year. While there is already a well established team of planets on the income, work and career fronts, until now the planets on the job front have been driving things while this marks a turning point, with the wider career field now your oyster.
With the Sun gone from your financial sector since last weekend's Full Moon the focus has already shifted to the income side of the financial fence. Apart from the Moon's return to your financial sector next week, it will stay that way until Mars returns in September, but it is Mercury, in his first full day in your career sector who is helping you to exploit the potential that last weekend's Full Moon in your income sector created or managed to shake loose.
Do something good for your health, focus on relaxation and pleasure, but don’t waste time on the couch eating ice-cream, spend your time constructively. Create yourself a feel-good atmosphere with perfumed oils and dimmed light; try out yoga, alternatively, if you have a partner, massaging each other is an ideal way to relax.

In Tune With The Universe