Aquarius Daily Forecast
Saturday 27 July 2024
Heads up, power plays lie ahead! The Moon and Pluto are squaring up to each other, stirring control freaks and those who don't yet know that's what they are into a frenzy. Don't burn your energy, but don't just roll over, either. Step back and let the chaos prove your worth. Don't vanish completely; stay present and watch. You'll soon spot an advantageous position when it presents itself.
What a difference a few days can make. The week not only began with the Moon in Aquarius and clashed with both Venus and Mercury in your relationship sector, but just as the Sun was coming under pressure during his first full day here. While tensions have dialled back and this has left you with a better sense of what you want from your relationships and what they need from you, things have since done a 360. The Moon is not only in your communication sector as Chiron turns retrograde here today but just as it also forms a friendly aspect to Venus in your relationship sector, bringing the planets of love and healing together.
As Chiron, the planet of healing turns retrograde in your communication sector today the Moon is not only here but at a friendly aspect to Venus, the planet of love in your relationship sector. With Venus and Chiron just days away from coming together at a time when words already had the ability to heal and as it becomes easier to give the past and unsaid words a voice, this will ensure your relationships are the first to benefit.
Your lover isn't a mind reader, Aquarius. The Moon and Mercury urge you to spell it out. So, say what you want, loud and clear. Honesty is your best friend today, and while it's fun to be chased, if you want someone, go after them. Be upfront about your feelings and watch a relationship form or flourish. No more mixed signals – clarity is sexy!
While the Sun left your work sector empty when he left five days ago, even if Mars wasn't returning in early September to take things to the next level, this would still be open ended. It is not until next week that the Moon will come full circle from last month's New Moon and due to move through in the heart of the working week, it is not until then that you will have a chance to tie up loose ends, for now anyway.
A day after the Moon not only wrapped up its monthly visit to your income sector but its first since both planets here turned retrograde, Mercury is spending his first full day in your financial sector. This marks a turning point in this financial year, with the income side of the financial fence more focused on the past, second chances and untapped potential and money matters getting a new lease of life as Mercury's smart head for money kicks in.
If you feel low on energy reserves, needing plenty of time to recuperate, you may find, if you have a diet regime or fitness training scheduled as well, you need to relax, and take some time out. It’s pointless forcing something that only leads to exhaustion. Avoid any stress and devote yourself to some peace and quiet.

In Tune With The Universe