Leo Daily Forecast
Saturday 27 July 2024
Hey, Leo, retract those claws! A situation might feel very 'off' but you may be reading it like a tabloid. Jumping to conclusions or tossing wild accusations are recipes for a drama explosion. So, keep your cool, bite your tongue and watch any scene unfold before you decide who needs a royal roasting or to take dramatic action.
Just as Mercury's first full day in your income sector is adding his smart head for money to a mix of forces already having a significant impact across the income, work and career fronts, the Moon is having a significant impact on the adventurous side of life's fence. The Moon is not only in your sector of adventure, travel, learning and discovery as Chiron turns retrograde here, opening the doors to the past and second chances but with the support of the Sun and Venus in Leo. After a bumpy start to your birthday month and new solar year, this is going to put the joy back in your soul.
As the Moon makes its only visit to an adventurous part of your chart while Venus, the planet of love is in Leo, their friendly aspect moving into the weekend is a chance to bring the spirit of romance and adventure together. There is even an element of romantic nostalgia in the air that is likely to be healing, with a chance to dance with some old ghosts while laying others to rest all while looking to the future.
Leo, the spotlight is your best friend right now, and you're soaking it up like a superstar. Bask in the glow and let the world see your glorious self. Got a crush? Now's the time to make them swoon. Drown out that nagging voice of anxiety with a flood of positive vibes. Command the stage with all the confidence of a true lion – no negative self-talk allowed today!
The lead up to the Moon's return to your career sector tomorrow is an important point in any month for having your antennas up while taking a wait and see approach. Even more so this month, with things not only still running their course after last weekend's Full Moon in your work sector but with things still settling after Mars left your career sector six days ago.
After the Moon left your financial sector yesterday and while you are still unpacking a download of information and insight when it comes to money matters, the focus has shifted to the other side of the financial fence as Mercury spends his first full day in your income sector. You now have two planets on either side of the financial fence and along with Mercury's smart head for money, this will make it easier to keep things balanced.
You instinctively take care of your well-being, you don't push yourself too hard, but take note of the way you are feeling. You skip training and spend some special time with the people closest to you. It’ a perfect time to share a walk or prepare an appetizing meal for two or a group of friends. You're able to enjoy yourself without feeling in any way guilty.

In Tune With The Universe