Scorpio Daily Forecast
Thursday 25 April 2024
Reclaim your wellness crown, Scorpio! Mercury, the cosmic healer, shifts gears from reverse to forward for the first time since April 1. So, say goodbye to sluggishness and hello to vitality! A journey of self-care restarts or commences whether you revamp a fitness routine, nourish your body with wholesome meals, get more sleep or all the above. Your best self is waiting in the wings!
The Moon is not only still in Scorpio after yesterday's Full Moon, but as it separates from a clash with the Sun in your relationship sector it is making contact with planets across the solar system. This might be sending some mixed messages, but this is ultimately empowering. At a time when there is growing focus on and support for your relationships, this is a chance to ensure you have the right balance between your personal and relationship needs. At the same time, the Moon's friendly aspect to Saturn is giving you the confidence and resolve to take your power back.
The Moon is not only still in Scorpio after yesterday's Full Moon, but this is having an impact on both romantic and relationship matters. While a clash with both planets in your relationship sector is still putting a balance between your personal and relationship needs to the test, a friendly aspect to Saturn in your romantic sector today and to Mars and Neptune there tomorrow is also giving the spirit of romance a boost.
A romantic journey unfolds before your eyes now, Scorpio. But do you trust what you see? Push aside that old saying about something appearing too good to be true. Yes, it might feel like you take a leap into the unknown, which stirs echoes of self-doubt. But stay grounded, stay humble, and trust that the love gods know what they're doing. You do believe in karma, don't you?
With Mercury at a standstill as he reaches his last full day in retrograde motion in your work sector, there is not only a chance but a need to pause. This is buying you time to stay in the moment and even spend time back at the drawing board, with time to hear yourself think now helping to prepare you for the busy times ahead when Mars returns next week to fire things up.

The lead up to the Moon’s return to your income sector tomorrow brings you to an important point in any month to start paying attention but without overthinking things. With Mercury turning direct in your work sector tomorrow and Venus, the planet of money in her final days here, the Moon’s return and a chance to sharpen your nose for money and act as a trigger will come with perfect timing.

Feeling a need for some regular activity you incorporate healthy phases of activity with phases of calmness and your body makes you aware each time you reach acceptable limits. In this way, you avoid exaggerated displays of unrestrained exercise that may have adverse consequences without some level of restraint.

In Tune With The Universe