Aries Daily Forecast
Saturday 27 July 2024
You might normally excel at getting 'yes' nods from others, but today, strong-arming your way is not the way to go. So, slow down and talk things through with whoever you want on board. Sure, it might delay things, but imagine when you and someone are finally on the same page. That victory will be truly sweet, especially if you know diplomacy and sensitivity made it happen.
Having the Moon in Aries as Chiron turns retrograde here will ensure you are emotionally and intuitively engaged and aware as the tide turns. After the dwarf planet Eris turned retrograde here earlier in the week and with both always spending the majority of the second half of each year in retrograde motion, this has made you more aware of this shift to the rear view mirror. Yet having the North Node in Aries until January means that while you will gain a better perspective of the past, it won't be at the expense of losing sight of where you are going.
After a friendly aspect to the Sun in your romantic sector yesterday, something that put them back in harmony after clashing as a Full Moon last weekend, still in Aries it forms a friendly aspect to Venus, the planet of love there today. This comes just as Chiron, the planet of healing turns retrograde in Aries, with the Moon here to amplify both today's romantic influence and its healing qualities.
You're craving validation but beware of putting someone on a pedestal. Your worth is a fiery inferno that burns from within. Rewrite your script – the Moon's got your back, and Mercury's whispering sweet nothings in your ear. Seeking a nod of approval? Sure, why not? But if you're living solely for someone's praise, you're missing the plot, my Aries chum.
It is just as the asteroid Juno, the queen of commitment moves into her final 14 days in your work sector that Mercury is spending his first full day here. Juno has kept work and job on track all year and just as she is getting ready to leave, Mercury has returned to take over while at the same time shifting things from a maintenance to a more active phase.

By the time the Moon returns to your income sector tomorrow, it will have been seven days since Mars left, giving you time to let things settle and not just on the income front. In his first full day in your work sector, Mercury is the new kid on the block, returning to find a well established team of planets across the income, work and career fronts but with a chance for work and job matters to now take the lead.

Along with ideas, comes the necessary willpower required to try something new. Take advantage of this new-found enthusiasm to improve your health and make a start with your diet. Less fat and meat but more vegetables and fruits is an acceptable menu to develop, try experimenting with international cuisine.

In Tune With The Universe