Libra Daily Forecast
Saturday 27 July 2024
Whoooaaa, loosen your grip on the reins! Being a dictator will only fuel suspicions and tension. Share a spotlight and let your crew pitch in. Their input might be the fuel that helps bring your vision to fruition. Don't rule out how brainstorming or pairing up can build bridges and fire up collective creativity. With both, something spectacular can be created or accomplished.
What makes the timing of Chiron's retrograde turn in your relationship sector today significant is not just that the Moon is here, ensuring you are emotionally engaged and aware as old doors open, but it comes just as it forms a friendly aspect to Venus. With Venus and Chiron, the planets of love and healing just days away from coming together anyway, this could speed up the healing process. After crossing the lunar nodes yesterday, something that throughout 2024 is policing a balance between your own and your relationship needs, this has helped to expose any old baggage.
Having the Moon in your relationship sector as Chiron, the planet of healing turns retrograde here today will ensure you are emotionally engaged and aware as the doors not only open to the past but in a way that brings a chance for healing. Better still, it happens just as the Moon is forming a friendly aspect to Venus, the planet of love who will connect with both planets in your relationship sector next week.
It's time to spill some tea! If you've been holding onto secrets, today's the day to let a few out. The Moon and Mercury are in cahoots, giving you the perfect chance to be candid with someone special. Airing out those truths can only make your bond stronger. Check your gut before you unleash, though. Honesty's always the best policy – but keep it classy now.
The Moon’s departure from your work sector yesterday was always going to leave you with your instincts sharp, feeling more emotionally engaged and aware and having moved through in the heart of the working week a download of information to unpack. However, this first visit since both planets here turned retrograde has also left you with a clearer sense of hindsight and of the rear view mirror.

The lead up to the Moon’s return to your financial sector tomorrow is an important point in any month to start paying attention but without overthinking things. Even more so this time, with the Moon set to return seven days after Mars left. Until then, this is giving you time to come down from the hype of his financial passions and fighting spirit and let this settle into something that you can sustain.

Even if you appear fit and full of energy, consider putting away your running shoes for a while, taking a break from your normal exercise routine or just cutting down on your activity level. Be more discriminating about your choices and approach activities less frantically and hurriedly; you need to relax.

In Tune With The Universe