Pisces Daily Forecast
Saturday 27 July 2024
Today's clash between the Moon and Pluto could scramble your usually spot-on radar. People seem shady, but this could be one of those rare times when you misjudge appearances. Wait for the fog to clear before drawing any conclusions or making any moves. Don't try to assemble a puzzle strewn across a room when the arrival of factual info can do the job for you.
The Moon is not only in your income sector as Chiron turns retrograde here today, but it forms a friendly aspect to Venus, the planet of money in your income sector. With Venus and Chiron due to come together next week and with the dwarf planet Eris having already turned retrograde earlier in the week, this helps to cement a merging of the two. After the Moon's friendly aspect to the Sun in your work sector yesterday, this is cementing a link between the new doors opening on the job front and those opening to the past, second chances and untapped income potential.
As well as leaving you emotionally engaged and aware, the Moon's departure from Pisces yesterday and clash with Juno in your relationship sector as it moved through has also left you more aware of what you want from your relationships and what they need from you. If this flushed out any issues, in his first full day in your relationship sector Mercury, the planet of communication is on hand to give this a voice.
A lover or partner may need you to be their rock now, or at least their sounding board. Listening might not be your preferred pastime, but it's a powerful gesture of love. If someone trusts you with their thoughts, show them they're right to do so. Embrace the role of confidant with gratitude. Your support is more valuable than you might think, and it's a beautiful way to deepen a connection!
The Moon is not only in your income sector as Chiron turns retrograde here today, but five days after the dwarf planet Eris turned retrograde here as well it also forms a friendly aspect to Venus, the planet of money in your work sector. For Venus, the Moon’s sharp nose for money is a massive advantage as she works to fuel your job confidence, attract opportunities and steer things in a lucrative direction, with doors opening to the past, second chances and untapped income potential an added bonus.

The Moon is not only in your income sector as Chiron turns retrograde here today but at a friendly aspect to Venus, the planet of money in your work sector. This is the Moon’s only visit while Venus is here, giving you the smart head for money that will make it easier for her to fuel your job confidence, attract opportunities and steer things in a lucrative direction. However, this is also giving you insight into the doors opening to the past, second chances and untapped income potential.

To lessen any frustration you may feel, you give yourself a treat. This might involve shopping or someone special cooking you your chosen meal. Alternatively, perhaps spending time on your hobby or favorite pastime is what you prefer. Anything that takes you away from the stresses and strains of everyday life is a valuable improvement.

In Tune With The Universe