Gemini Daily Forecast
Saturday 27 July 2024
Heroics aren't always needed, and today, they might boomerang back with a guilt trip. Step back, breathe and let everyone sort themselves out. If you stepped up to the plate to help anyone, then great. But don't turn martyr and accuse anyone of taking advantage of your generosity and time. Be there for those who truly need you. Trust creating space with those who don't helps you and them.
Having the Moon in Aries as Chiron turns retrograde here will ensure you are emotionally and intuitively engaged and aware as the tide turns. After the dwarf planet Eris turned retrograde here earlier in the week and with both always spending the majority of the second half of each year in retrograde motion, this has made you more aware of this shift to the rear view mirror. Yet having the North Node in Aries until January means that while you will gain a better perspective of the past, it won't be at the expense of losing sight of where you are going.
Mercury, the planet of communication may have left your communication sector yesterday, but he has not only left behind the Sun and Venus, the planet of love but with a lot of support from the Moon today. With Mercury gone it is Venus who is now out in front, something that is putting a lot more focus on her mission to bring the spirit of romance and adventure together.
You're craving validation but beware of putting someone on a pedestal. Your worth is a fiery inferno that burns from within. Rewrite your script – the Moon's got your back, and Mercury's whispering sweet nothings in your ear. Seeking a nod of approval? Sure, why not? But if you're living solely for someone's praise, you're missing the plot, my Aries chum.
The Moon’s departure from your career sector yesterday was always going to leave you with your professional instincts and imagination fuelled and with a download of information and insight to unpack. This time this came with a clearer sense of hindsight and of the rear view mirror, as the Moon made its first visit since both planets here turned retrograde.

The Sun may have left your income sector last weekend, but even if Mars wasn’t returning in early September to use this as just the starting point, this was going to leave you with a lucrative sense of direction and a clear path forward. Mars’ return will be a bonus but also part of a series of stepping stones to lead to Jupiter, the planet of luck and expansion’s return in June 2025.

With so much going on, it’s important you’re careful not to exhaust yourself by taking on too many commitments. Having a full diary of appointments can lead to unnecessary stress levels. Think twice before agreeing to anything that’s contrary to your best interests. Otherwise, you’ll become unnecessarily drained.

In Tune With The Universe