Capricorn Daily Forecast
Saturday 27 July 2024
No, Capricorn, it's not in your head—some people are acting like entitled brats. The Moon's shadow dancing with Pluto and this combo could have others showing their worst sides. Don't take their crap personally. Their bad mood? That's all about them, not you. So, dig deep for patience and try to cut everyone some slack. We all have our off days.
Just as after nearly 10 months in an adventurous part of your chart the asteroid Juno, the queen of commitment moves into her final 14 days, Mercury is settling into his first full day here. After leaving the Sun and Venus, the planet of money with the smart head for money needed to navigate their way through their final remaining time in your financial sector, Mercury is turning his attention to the playful and creative side of life's fence. With Venus returning before Juno leaves, where Juno has kept you committed to your bucket list Mercury can help turn that into a game plan.
If the weekend's Full Moon and its clash with the Sun in your relationship sector push some buttons or created some personal and/or relationship tension, already you are able to look back at the gift this has been. As well as leaving you with a better sense of what you want from your relationships and what they need from you, the Moon's passage through your communication sector over the last few days has helped to give this, the past and unsaid words a voice.
The Moon's boosting your confidence and Mercury's got you feeling meticulous and prepared. So, there's no situation you can't handle with grace. Your natural swagger is in full force, and you can believe it's alluring as heck. So strut your stuff and let your confidence shine like a studio spotlight. When it comes to confidence being sexy, nobody does it better than a Capricorn!
Since returning to your work sector last weekend Mars has already formed a friendly aspect to Pluto in your income sector, but it is not until next week that the full magnitude of the warrior planet’s return will be felt. It is just as the Moon will be returning for its first visit while Mars is here that he will form a friendly aspect to the South Node in your career sector, with a need to keep an open mind until then.

When Mercury left your financial sector yesterday, he not only left you with the smart head for money needed to keep your head in the game and your feet on the ground but with the promise that he would return next month for a do over. Mercury will return to tie up loose ends but until then, this leaves the Sun and Venus, the planet of money free to explore options at a time when the income side of the financial fence is also experiencing a boost.

Your need to push yourself forward is a sign of uneasiness. Find your inner balance again with a completely different fitness regime you’re able to enjoy. Make sure to make time for your hobbies and preferred recreational activities. Avoid team sports, as you’re so demanding you’ll risk making yourself unpopular.

In Tune With The Universe