It was in the early days of February that Venus, the planet of love returned to your communication sector to begin what is normally a 24 day mission to give your heart and your relationships a voice. By the time you move into the new week it has been four weeks since Venus returned and she is not only still here, but a retrograde turn over the weekend will keep her here until later in the month. This will see Venus branch out to also focus on giving the past and unsaid words a voice. The Moon was not only here when Venus turned retrograde over the weekend, but it is just before it is going to leave on Monday that Mercury, the planet of communication will return. While Mercury is more focused on the communication lines across the board and on making you mentally sharper and better able to think on your feet, he too will turn retrograde later next week. Meanwhile, Mercury's departure from your income sector on Monday will leave you with a smart head for money moving into what will be a good week on the income and job fronts.
Mars' retrograde turn last Monday means that he is on his way back to your relationship sector and while he won't return until next month, this is giving the communication gods time to work their magic, which they are definitely doing this week. As you move into the new week, it has been a month since Venus, the planet of love returned to your communication sector to begin what should have been a 24 day mission to give your heart and your relationships a voice. Instead, the week not only begins with Venus still here but in her first full day in retrograde motion. Helping with Venus' now expanded mission to also give the past and unsaid words a voice is not only having the Moon here but just before it leaves having Mercury, the planet of communication return. With both here until the end of the month, this is the start of something special on the communication front. Meanwhile, the Moon will meet up with lucky Jupiter in your romantic sector from Thursday to Saturday.