As you move into February there is likely to be a sense that you are set free and are finally able to explore all of life's possibilities. While Pluto, the planet of change and transformation left Capricorn and brought his 16 year visit to Capricorn to a close in November, it wasn't until Mercury left on 28th January that years of near continuous planetary activity finally came to an end. With no more planets returning to Capricorn until later in the year and just the Moon's monthly visits as a chance to check in and get your bearings, this is the point when the trainer wheels have come off and every planetary cycle that was on the starter's block has now been successfully launched.
So where have the planets gone? The majority are in your income sector, where Pluto is settling into the first of what will be a 20 year visit. On a more pressing need to get this new financial year off on the right foot will be having Mercury and his smart head for money in your income sector until 15th February, the Sun holding the solar spotlight on your income situation, matters and options until leaving on 18th February and until she leaves on 24th February, the dwarf planet Ceres will be on her first deep dive into your income needs and priorities in four years. This will be closely linked to Jupiter, who will turn direct in your work sector on 4th February, putting his quest for job growth and expansion back on track.
When they leave your income sector the Sun, Mercury and Ceres will one by one return to your communication sector where before leaving on 4th February Venus has already got the ball rolling. Her mission to give your relationships, the past and unsaid words a voice has both benefited from and given support to Mars in your relationship sector in return. In retrograde motion until 24th February, this includes finding it easier to give the past and unsaid words a voice. Meanwhile, this will see Venus not only return to your home and family sector in order to focus on things close to home but to begin an extended stay that will give her time to prepare for even bigger developments over the coming months.
The month begins with Uranus having just turned direct in your romantic sector less than 48 hours earlier while Mars is still in retrograde motion in your relationship sector and will be until turning direct on 24th February. Uranus will start the month at a standstill and over the course of the month slowly start to move forward while over the course of the month Mars will slow down, coming to a standstill in order to turn direct. Either way, both are taking things slowly and deliberately as you navigate your way through what is an important month on both the romantic and relationship fronts.
For Uranus and matters of the heart, this is the end of what has been an annual retrograde phase since he returned in 2019, except this time he will be preparing to leave in July. This is not goodbye for good, for Uranus will retrograde back in later in the year and a lot of water will pass under the bridge before then, but this is preparation for his final departure early next year, not to return for another eight decades. This makes this a month where the tide has not only turned on the romantic front but you are in the final stage of what is a seven year journey. The Moon will make its only visit this month from 4th February to 6th February.
Meanwhile, while Mars will remain in your relationship sector until April, even this is preparation for something bigger, with Jupiter returning in June to begin your biggest year for relationship growth and expansion in over a decade. This explains why there is so much effort being put into the communication lines this month. While Venus, the planet of love will leave your relationship sector on 4th February, a retrograde turn early next month will see her return for a do over, by which point there will be even more resources. Meanwhile, the Moon will return for its last visit while Mars is in retrograde motion from 9th February to 11th February, bringing a valuable chance to check in and become more emotionally engaged and aware.