Virgo Daily Forecast
Tuesday 10 September 2024
Today's your day to stand out by adding your personal flair to everything you do. Being all business-like could backfire, so sprinkle some personal touches. Going to a client meeting? Buy them a coffee. Feeling out the vibe before you drop the hard sell? Smart move, Virgo! Build goodwill now by showing your human, caring qualities, and you'll have someone or others eating out of your hand later.
A day after you moved into the final two weeks of your birthday month Mercury, the planet of communication and smart thinking and your ruling planet is spending his first full day back in Virgo. Mercury had already spent three weeks here before retrograding back out last month and before the Sun had returned to begin your birthday month and new solar year. With Venus been and gone and Mercury's departure in 16 days ending all planetary activity in Virgo for the year, it is time to get serious about the options, choices, decisions and plans for this new solar year.
At the same time that an opposition between the Sun and Saturn that had been putting a balance between your own and your relationship needs to the test Mercury, the planet of communication is spending his first full day back in Virgo. As the Moon leaves your communication sector, it wraps up its own push to keep the communication lines open.
Feeling flush with cash? Use that confidence to make bold moves in your love life. When your finances are in order, everything else falls into place, including romantic pursuits. You're in a good place now, so whether it's asking someone out or planning an extravagant date, go for it. Your stability is your secret weapon. Love is easier when you're not stressing about bills!
Where last week saw first Pluto leave your work sector and then three days later Mars leave your career sector, this new working week is going to have a very different feel to it. Jupiter is not only still in your career sector but closely aligned with Venus in your income sector but without Pluto’s push to reinvent the wheel or Mars’ drive to have your foot on the gas 24/7.

While the Moon left your income sector over the weekend, this only visit while Venus, the planet of money is here has given you and her a better sense of where the money is as you move into some auspicious weeks on the income and job fronts. While that will continue, the Moon’s friendly aspect to the North Node in your financial sector today is bringing a boost in confidence and awareness on the other side of the financial fence.

If you know where your plans are heading, take a break to restore your energy levels. A short vacation helps build strength for any forth-coming project. Whether it’s a healthy weekend away or a trip to your chosen beauty spot, the important thing is relaxation, to help you feel rejuvenated.

In Tune With The Universe