Taurus Daily Forecast
Friday 28 June 2024
Your friends are your secret weapon now, so lean on them. They may be your best source for a hug or heartfelt empathy. Let pals put themselves in your shoes to gain a better understanding of what you think and feel. Strength isn't about standing alone; it's about knowing when to reach out. So, open your heart, soak up the love, and bask in the power of community.
Before leaving your sector of friendship, teamwork and networking today the Moon will spend its final hours aligned with Saturn and Neptune here, as it does with each monthly visit. The difference this time is that with both just days away from turning retrograde and with Mercury, the planet of communication closely aligned with both them and the Moon, this is making it easier to make time to connect. There is an unhurried but powerful draw towards connecting today and even a chance to start thinking more about making up for lost time.
At the same time that the asteroid Juno and the dwarf planet Ceres are working hard to bring the spirit of romance and adventure together, life is likely to put up roadblocks, as it is bound to do. As it does, rather than see them as barriers, see this as an opportunity to better understand your heart's needs and priorities.
The universe bends to your will now, giving you a long-awaited development. Forget the boring old expectations and let the moment sweep you off your feet. As night falls, the energy heats up. Reach out to or schedule time with that special someone and dive into a night of passion that would make a romance novelist blush. Your love life is about to become legendary!
The Moon’s recent visit to your career sector has not only left you with your professional instincts sharp and a read on forces on the income, work and career fronts but of a unique partnership and focus that they now share. With all three now playing a long game and with a partnership forged that will continue for the rest of the year, things are now more likely to progress in unison.

In the week since the Sun left your income sector, something that will always take the solar spotlight off your income situation, matters and options on the June solstice, things have settled into what is now Jupiter’s long game quest for income growth and expansion. With Jupiter here until 2025 and with support from forces on the job and career fronts for the rest of the year, there is every reason to move forward with confidence.

If you feel out of sorts and your physical body is also not functioning at its best. Don’t postpone your regular visits to your local gym, even if they might not fit perfectly into your planned schedule. Being careful about maintaining your fitness regime can prevent you from being off-color or irritable for too long.

In Tune With The Universe