Scorpio Daily Forecast
Saturday 28 September 2024
You're in the mood to plan, structure and conquer. That cluttered mess in an area of your world? It's got to go. Half-hearted commitments? Cut them out. Clear out distractions and whatever holds you back; you'll feel a thousand pounds lighter. But don't forget those who've had your back—support them, and that goodwill will continue to carry you.
Heading into the weekend with the Moon in your career sector isn't going to get in the way of embracing the weekend spirit, with the last few days having given you just a small glimpse into what is developing on the playful, creative and adventurous side of life's fence. Instead, away from the noise of the working week, the Moon's first visit to your career sector since Mercury left and with things able to level off until Mars returns in early November, this could give you more time to hear yourself think. By the time you move into the new working week, you will have a better read on job and career matters.
At the same time that Uranus is still in his early weeks in retrograde motion in your relationship sector, Saturn is slowing down as he nears the end of his retrograde phase in your romantic sector. Still in her early days in Scorpio but looking to the future, Venus is making the most of the options she has, which include the potential for new beginnings and having the doors open to the past and second chances.
Take a moment to see how far you've come in your love life. You've been through it all, and each lover has taught you something. Celebrate that growth and pat yourself on the back. The lessons aren't over, either—every new chapter brings something fresh. Keep evolving, learning and putting your best self out there. Love is the best teacher, and you're a star student!
For the first time since Mercury returned to your career sector in early July, the Moon has returned to not only find that this smart and intellectually savvy planet is gone but there is no planetary activity on the job front. This is only temporary and with Mars not only returning in early November but the here for the rest of the year this is a valuable chance to check in. With no other agenda, this is a chance to stay in the moment and listen to what your gut is telling you.

While Venus is still nearly three weeks away from her return to your income sector and the start of what will be a lucrative end to the year, there is a chance to both regroup and to start getting your professional ducks in a row. While the Moon is making its ordinary monthly visit to your career sector and this is providing a lot of insight on the job and career fronts, it is also a chance to prepare for a surge on both fronts that will come just as Venus is set to return.

Relaxation, inner harmony, and balance are important factors for your health. Avoid any extreme conduct, whether it’s over-eating, becoming unnecessarily agitated or pleasure-seeking activities. If you do exercise, choose a technique that’s comprehensive and uses natural rhythm. Tai Chi instead of a tedious treadmill.

In Tune With The Universe