Sunday 09 March 2025
Wow, your sexy switch is officially flipped today! The Moon and Mars want to help make things steamy, and let's just say it's not a PG-rated vibe. Contact someone you'd like to be 'closer' to, trade some spicy texts or get a little wild with your long-term boo. Keep it hot but balanced if things veer into X-rated territory. Agreeing a safe word beforehand might be a good idea.
Mercury's first weekend in a playful and creative part of your chart is also his last in direct motion. With Venus already in retrograde motion here, Mercury's retrograde turn next week will not only open even more doors to the past but instead of racing through, this is keeping both here until the Sun can catch up. This is not only keeping the playful and creative side of life's fence active all month, but instead of moving on, Venus and Mercury are dragging their heels while keeping heart and mind on the same page as you prepare for Neptune, the planet of hopes and dreams' return later in the month. This will be a once in a lifetime event.
At the same time that Mercury is spending his first weekend in your romantic sector, he is also spending his last in retrograde motion. It is a retrograde turn next week that will see Mercury make a U turn and start heading back out, but not for another three weeks. With Venus, the planet of love already in retrograde motion, she is already holding the doors open to the past while at the same time refusing to leave.
Keep telling yourself that emotions aren't running the show. Use today's detached vibe to tackle any relationship hiccups you've been avoiding. Get blunt, get honest and leave the melodrama at the door. This is no time for romantic or relationship games; it's time to find solutions. Let logic set the pace—sexy confidence will make you utterly (or even more) irresistible.
Knowing that there is a pivotal week coming up on the job and career fronts, even the professional gods will be urging you to keep your work hat off. As well as giving you time to unpack a download of information and insight from the Moon's transit through your work sector earlier in the week, this will make it easier to keep an open mind ahead of next week's eclipsing Full Moon in your career sector, which could be a wildcard.
The Moon's first visit to your financial sector since Mars turned direct here and their alignment today is giving you everything needed to jumpstart a mission to take your financial power back. As well as ensuring your financial instincts are sharp, this is adding fuel to Mars' financial passions and fighting spirit and after months in retrograde motion, can get things moving again.
You're able to tackle any excess weight and begin exercising to obtain your ideal figure. Even if you didn't push yourself before, you'll have the necessary motivation. Plan a disciplined fitness program and make sure that this initial drive doesn't get forgotten, dedication and perseverance are what's required.