Pisces Daily Forecast
Friday 26 July 2024
Today's all about rolling up your sleeves and diving into work with laser focus. The Sun and Mars power your productivity, giving you the energy to smash through your To-Do list. Focus on what matters most and avoid getting lost in the minutiae. Stay on track, and you'll plough through your workload like a true badass. Today's all about making it happen—no distractions allowed!
It is just a few hours after the Moon leaves Pisces today, something that will always leave you feeling more emotionally and intuitively engaged but can also put some pressure on your relationships or amplify any issues Mercury, the planet of communication returns to your relationship sector. While this will add to the importance of having the right balance between your own and your relationship needs, five days after Mars left your communication sector, Mercury returns to keep the communication lines open. Meanwhile, the Sun and Moon join forces to create some positive energy on the income and job fronts.
It is just a few hours after the Moon leaves Pisces today that Mercury, the planet of communication will return to your relationship sector. With the Moon gone by the time Mercury leaves they won't clash, but as this may have pushed some buttons over the last few days and especially when it comes to a balance between your own and your relationship needs, he returns in time to give anything this may have flushed out a voice.
Indulge without guilt! Treat yourself to something luxurious if you can. Can't splurge? Find small ways to upgrade your day. What simple pleasures equate to spoiling yourself? Life's too short for constant self-denial, and what you do to boost your feel-good factor now can do much to boost your mojo generally – not to mention your libido!
After the Sun’s return to your work sector earlier in the week got off to a bumpy start thanks to a clash with Pluto that put how well you know when to keep your work hat on and when to take it off to the test from the start, things take a turn for the better. While any tension is already dropping, it is just before Mercury leaves your work sector today that the Moon returns to your income sector and straight into a friendly aspect to the Sun.

Just a few hours after Mercury leaves your work sector today and just as Venus, the planet of money moves into her final 10 days, the Moon returns for its monthly visit to your income sector. While an ordinary monthly visit and something that every four weeks can sharpen your nose for money and act as a trigger, it comes just as new doors are opening on the job front while they are also opening to the past on the income front.

If you’re mentally exhausted, feeling overwhelmed by your emotional state, you’re able to make the time you need available to unwind without any stress. You put off any appointments or delay involvements with anything too hectic. Meditate for a while and mentally let go of everything, see how good it feels.

In Tune With The Universe