Libra Daily Forecast
Monday 07 October 2024
Chill out, Libra! You're not usually one to take things so seriously, so why start now? Today's about lightening up and laughing your way through it all. The Moon wants to help you reveal or release your brand of lightheartedness. Just watch out for distractions—they'll come at you left and right. Stick to the fun and creative stuff. Leave the serious business for another day.
As it does with each monthly visit, the Moon is spending its final hours in your income sector at a friendly aspect to dreamy Neptune in your work sector. The difference this time is that this is not just the Moon's only visit while Venus, the planet of money is here but just as she is separating from a friendly aspect to Saturn there while drawing towards another with Mars on the career front that will peak tomorrow. As well as leaving you with a sharp nose for money, this is a window into some serious momentum building on the income, work and career fronts.
With no planetary activity in your communication sector and with some potentially challenging days coming up when it comes to a balance between your own and your relationship needs, the Moon's return today is a chance to get the communication lines open ahead of time. While there has been no planetary activity here since earlier in the year Venus, the planet of love is 11 days away, making this a chance to get the ball rolling.
Flirting isn't just a skill—it's an art form, and as a Libran, you're Picasso with pickup lines! Today, you're on fire with seductive conversation. Explore the full communicative spectrum of your relationship world or a special bond, from playful to downright dirty. Let your words do the seducing and watch what web of desire you weave.
At the same time that Mars moves into his final four weeks in your work sector, he is also starting to move into the most empowered weeks of his two month visit. By tomorrow the warrior planet’s friendly aspect to Venus, the planet of money in your income sector will peak while the Moon is both sharpening your nose for money and giving you a preview of the influence that will continue to come together across the income, work and career fronts.

While Mercury is still seven days away from your income sector, by the time he returns with the smart head for money needed to get your head in the game and to think on your feet, you will have a lot more options to explore. Still on her own here Venus, the planet of money is starting to connect with planets on the job and career fronts that can give income potential a major boost along with a lot more awareness.

You’re motivated and make full use of the energy reserves you possess. A lot of physical activity improves your overall well-being. Whenever possible instead of using the car, walk to your destination, by doing this you realize how much strength and agility you’ve acquired. An occasional sports massage after exercise helps you to relax.

In Tune With The Universe