Friday 07 March 2025
You've been playing the charming sidekick for too long, and now the universe hands you the captain's hat. Show people that you're more than just a pretty face, but don't be a dictator. Lead with kindness and respect, not a megaphone with a “my way or the highway” attitude. Treat your crew like equals, and they'll follow you anywhere.
In the lead up to not only the Moon's return to your career sector tomorrow but its first since Mars turned direct here and for its only visit while the Sun is in your work sector, today's adventurous lunar vibes are more than just a timely distraction. The professional gods might be asking that you take a wait and see approach, but the Moon is connecting with planets on the playful, creative and adventurous side of life's fence that can more than stand up for themselves. This makes having the right work/life balance more important than ever.
It has been five days since Venus turned retrograde in your relationship sector, with the planet of love no longer at a standstill, but only barely starting to move. Venus will remain in retrograde motion until she retrogrades back out later in the month, giving you time to take a more nostalgic trip down memory lane before Mercury turns retrograde next week and starts to focus more on giving the past and unsaid words a voice.
Who do you want, and what are you waiting for? It's time to tackle insecurities that keep you from “going for it” in the name of love. Whether asking someone out or finally speaking up in a relationship, your boldness will be rewarded, even if that takes the form of relief at no longer bottling anything up. Love's a game, but you're ready to start playing it more on your terms.
The lead up to the Moon’s return to your career sector tomorrow brings you to an important point in any month for having your antennas up while taking a wait and see approach. Even more so with the Moon not only due to return for its first visit since Mars turned direct there, but when after 12 days, the warrior planet of the cosmos will be ready to get things moving again.
When the Moon left your financial sector yesterday, this did more than just leave you with your financial instincts and imagination fuelled and a download of information and insight to unpack. While a friendly aspect to the South Node has given your financial confidence a boost, this second visit since Uranus turned direct has revealed fewer things holding you back, as well as some fresh Eureka moments.
Your overwhelming desire for pleasures of all kind may be rather apparent. Compelling food, binge drinking with friends, you’re attracted to these things and need to have your cravings satisfied. As expected, your health is affected. However, you don’t need to give up everything; you just must know your limit.