Sunday 09 March 2025
“Let it go, let it go, can't hold it back anymore…” So go the lyrics to that song from “Frozen.”
Ahead of the Moon's return to Leo tomorrow, its monthly visit to a nostalgic and reflective part of your chart is more than just an invitation to make time to hear yourself think or to unwind over the weekend. As the Moon aligns with Mars for the first time since he returned direct and started making his way back to Leo, this makes this a day for some serious navel gazing. With your mind and your imagination active, this could be giving birth to ideas that can be put into practice when Mars not only returns to Leo next month but for a do over.
Venus, the planet of love is already in retrograde motion in an adventurous part of your chart as Mercury is spending both his first weekend here and is last in direct motion. By this time next week, Mercury will be in retrograde motion as well and with the asteroid Juno slowing ahead of a retrograde turn in your romantic sector, as the doors open to the past and second chances, the spirit of romance and adventure is getting stronger.
You've got a big roar, but sometimes you need someone to help you sort through your mess. You're a one-person army, but there's no shame in asking for help or support when you need it. Pour your heart out to someone special, or you'd like to be closer to. You're not just the king or queen of the jungle—you're human, and humans need connection to thrive. Get ready to thrive.
While it has been three days since the Moon left your career sector, the weekend brings a chance to step back and finish unpacking a download of information and insight before the new working week begins. With next week's eclipsing Full Moon in your income sector set to have a positive impact on the job front and as eclipses can be wildcards, there is also a need to keep an open mind.
Less than a week after leaving your financial sector Mercury is having second thoughts and in his last weekend in direct motion, he already has the brakes on ahead of a retrograde turn that will see him start heading back. With Venus, the planet of money already in retrograde motion and on her way back, this is making it easier to keep your options open at a time when both the Moon and Mars are helping to fuel your financial confidence and imagination.
You’re calm and collected, not letting anyone or anything upset you. This has a beneficial effect on your health; you're able to reduce stress easily and cope with any difficulties. Effective time management skills ensure you don't saddle yourself with more than fits in with your schedule. You’ll overdo it otherwise.