Sunday 09 March 2025
Partnerships are the name of the game today. Whether business, romance or that weird but awesome side hustle with your bestie, the Moon and Mars give you the energy to make it work. Yes, you need to be smart about who you team up with. Look for someone who complements your skills. If sparks fly while collaborating, well, that's a glorious bonus.
What makes the Moon's alignment with Mars in your relationship sector and their friendly aspect to the Sun in your communication sector significant is that this goes beyond making this a good day on the communication and relationship fronts. For now, the Sun and Moon are in harmony and before clashing as an eclipsing Full Moon later in the week, this is going to be good for body, mind and soul. This will make it harder to sweat the small stuff and easier to feel emotionally engaged and connected.
For the majority of the last 16 years, no planet has been able to move through your relationship sector without clashing with at least one planet in Capricorn. With the last planet having left Capricorn at the end of January, instead of fuelling strong emotional responses and pushing buttons, an alignment with Mars and a friendly aspect to the Sun in your communication sector is ushering in a new era.
There may be a lot of talking going on, but when did you last open up to your lover or partner? You're helped to drop surface-level chatter and get deep now. So, spill the secrets, fears, and dreams you've been stashing in your mental vault. Intimacy is always forged in raw, honest, soul-baring conversations. They're your ticket to a relationship reachiing a whole new level of hot.
As well as leaving you with your instincts sharp, a better read on work and job matters and a download of information and insight to unpack on the income and job fronts, there is likely to be a renewed sense of confidence and purpose. This was the Moon’s second visit since Jupiter turned direct and leaving in three months, this has been the push to get his quest for job growth and expansion moving again.
The lead up to the Moon’s return to your financial sector tomorrow is an important point in any month for having your antennas up while taking a wait and see approach. Especially when it comes to your financial situation and money matters. With things now settled and stable on the income side of the financial fence and Mars on his way back to your financial sector, it’s time to give the other side of the financial fence some much needed attention.
Physically you feel fit, but primarily you’re more concerned with the health of others. Despite this, make sure you don’t lose your grip on your health. Deal with deep-rooted problems you usually ignore. Conversations with close confidantes help you address any bad habits, and if not, get professional help.