Aries Daily Forecast
Thursday 09 January 2025
Congratulations! You've cracked the code on a problem that had you ready to punch a wall. Here's your next move: Your story isn't just yours—it's a weapon of mass inspiration. Got a hack that made life easier? Shout it out. Your followers want someone real, raw, who shows them how to turn messes into gold. This might be your golden ticket to becoming even more of a legend.
A week that began with Mars and Mercury not only energising the playful, creative and adventurous side of life's fence but as they had been doing for over two months, all of a sudden has both gone and a swing to the busy side of life's fence. With the influence of the new professional year starting to creep in and especially as today's stars are making this a positive day on the income and career fronts, holding onto a balance between work and play couldn't be more important. It is all about having the right work/life balance.
Over the course of just a few days the week is starting to take on a different look. Mars' departure from your romantic sector and then Mercury's departure from an adventurous part of your chart yesterday means they are no longer pushing the spirit of romance and adventure. Instead, the focus is shifting to your relationships as you move into some defining days when it comes to knowing what you want from your relationships and what they need from you.
Stop bottling things up, Aries. You're not a stoic monk; you're a firecracker with a short fuse and an even shorter attention span for emotional nonsense. If something's bugging you, take a walk, scream into a pillow, or punch a metaphorical emotional wall — but for the love of love, don't dump baggage onto your paramour. Let your feelings marinate solo for a bit.
At the same time that Mercury is settling into his first full day in your career sector, a friendly aspect between the Sun here and the Moon as it makes its first visit to your income sector for the year is getting things off to a positive start. With new developments on the job front ahead, this is a chance to not only get your head in the game professionally but with a sense of where the money is.

As the Moon makes its first visit to your income sector for the year the timing couldn’t be better. Not only is the Moon here during Mercury’s first full day in your career sector but a friendly aspect to the Sun here is to going enhance your confidence and awareness, making it easier to trust what a nose for money is telling you. Ahead of the South Node’s return to your work sector over the weekend, the timing couldn’t be better.

Put the brakes on and go easy on how you treat your body. Attempt to give yourself as much rest as possible. Adopting a healthier attitude is more important if you’re experiencing stressful times. Carefully consider if it’s worthwhile expending energy reserves and when it’s not such a good idea.

In Tune With The Universe