Aquarius Daily Forecast

Sunday 09 March 2025
The Moon and Mars are shoving you off the couch and into action today. Whether hitting the gym, cleaning up your space or learning to cook something you spend a fortune on getting delivered, today’s all about stepping it up. But don’t go too hard too fast—Mars wants results yesterday. Oh, and while you’re at it, spice up your life—literally. Add some heat to your food and your vibe.

Mercury’s first weekend in your communication sector is also his last in direct motion, with the planet of communication not only turning retrograde here next week but with Venus, the planet of love already in retrograde motion. Ahead of the Moon’s return to your relationship sector tomorrow, which will make Venus’ mission to give your heart, relationships, the past and unsaid words a voice even easier, as he slows, Mercury is taking away the urgency. This is not only making it easier to make time to communicate but is helping to make it a priority.

Mercury's first weekend in your communication sector is also his last in direct motion, with the planet of communication's retrograde turn keeping him here for the next three weeks. Normally rushing through in 14 to 15 days and Venus, the planet of love already in retrograde motion here, when the Moon returns to your relationship sector tomorrow, it will be met with a whole new level of communication support.
Maybe you're a perfectionist with high standards, but you're also human, not a robot. Cut yourself some slack. Self-love isn't just lighting candles and taking bubble baths—it's throwing yourself a mental parade for how far you've come. Love yourself first, flaws and all, and watch how the world starts loving you back tenfold. Don't think someone won't notice your self-love boost
As the Moon and Mars align in your work sector today, this first visit since the warrior planet of the cosmos turned direct is both adding fuel to his work passions, fighting and competitive spirit and giving you a better sense of where to channel it. It has been nearly two weeks since Mars turned direct and separating from a friendly aspect to the Sun in your income sector yesterday, this is helping to jumpstart anything still stuck or stalled.
At the same time that a friendly aspect between Mars in your work sector and the Sun in your income sector that peaked yesterday is just starting to separate, the Moon is holding this together. As the Moon aligns with Mars, it forms a friendly aspect to the Sun, maintaining a connection between the powerful forces at play on the income and job fronts.
Both mind and body are in perfect harmony; you feel fully fit. Don't overdo your exercise regime, what seems to be a logical amount of activity doesn't always correspond to your energy level. Too much strenuous exercise can lead to problems, so take control, be cautious and employ some firm discipline.

In Tune With The Universe